A very good friend of mine recently had to have surgery. I took him to the hospital.

It was one of those quick in & out same day surgical procedures but they still had to put him to sleep.

After the surgery they woke him up and took him to the recovery room.

Shortly thereafter, he was discharged and (no wheelchair for him) he literally walked out of the hospital to my car. He was carrying a handful of post operative instructions and two prescriptions from his physician/surgeon for the physical pain he was told he would be encountering later in the day.

I took him to the pharmacy and then home.

The next morning I checked to see how he was feeling.

He shared the following: Well, when I got home yesterday, I really felt great. I did a few things around the house, walked the dog, and had a good supper.

I’m thinking, Hey, I’m good.

Then oops! around 7:30, the pain hit. I immediately took one of the pain pills which the Doc had prescribed and thankfully, after a few minutes, it began working.

In the span of a few minutes, he went from Hey, I’m good to hey, I’m NOT so good to Hey, I’m good again.

Our CREATOR knows there will be those times in our lives when we will literally say, or think, Hey, I’m good! We feel great, everything is clicking along pretty much as it should and yes, life is good.

A black and green background with an image of a diamond.

HE also knows there will be times in our lives when we will literally say, or think, Hey, I’m NOT so good something is missing something is not right.

We worship a loving, patient and providential GOD. And yes, HE too knows physical pain. And HE knows the urgency we feel to relieve it when we are beset by it.

HE also knows soul pain. And HE knows that it can be every bit as excruciating as unrelieved physical pain. HE is the great physician and HE too has written a prescription for it and given it to us.

It is a prescription that is perfectly suited to our pain.

Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn of me. For I am meek and lowly of heart and you shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

(Matthew 11:28-30)

But unlike a pill or an injection that will relieve our pain in a few minutes, it is a person. And it is a relationship with this person.

HIS name is JESUS.