Margin is about space. It is about the space between two points.
In Economics it is a broadly used term that has a number of applications one of which is to measure the amount of risk.
In life, it is about comfort, the margin of comfort we have about some decisions we may face.
It is the worry space, in which we worry about what may or may not happen with any circumstance in which we find ourselves.
But why?
Regardless of any circumstance in which we might find ourselves, if we are being obedient, God is able to cover whatever risks we may face. He is sovereign.
He is in charge. If He knows the number of hairs on our head (which He does), and if He knows when a sparrow falls from its nest to the ground (which He does), He knows all of our circumstances and He has promised that He has our back. After all, does He not always want the best possible outcomes for us?
In Matthew, chapter 6, he tells us not to worry.
In Phillipians, chaper 4, He tells us not to be anxious.
In Matthew, chapter 28, He tells us that He will be with us and have our backs to the end of the age.
Our MARGINS? Yes, dear heart. He has our backs. He is the God of our Margins.